Thursday, August 07, 2008


Meeting Reminder: Thurs 7th Aug: Agile in a .NET Environment

Join us at the Perth .NET Community of Practice, August 7th to hear Dwayne Read compare two of the more dominant agile methodologies, XP and FDD, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of both. Examples of the application of these techniques at Snowden Technologies in a .NET/TFS environment will be discussed. This presentation is aimed at highlighting the importance of shaping the process to fit the type of applications a company develops, the people/communication side of development and the technologies they utilise.

TOPIC: Agile in a .Net Environment with Dwayne Read
DATE: Thursday, August 7th, 5:30pm
VENUE: Excom, Level 2, 23 Barrack Street, Perth
COST: Free. All welcome.

More details here:

There will be a door prize of a ReSharper license (courtesy of JetBrains), and a copy of the book “Practices of an Agile Developer” (courtesy of O’Reilly publishing).


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